Farnborough Airport
Car Rental Guide
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The minimum age for car rental depends on the local car rental supplier. Different suppliers may request a different minimum age in order to rent the car. We always recommend seeing the full terms and conditions for the selected car and car rental supplier in order to check that information. In some cases, the rental agency may apply for an extra charge for a young driver. The amount of young driver fee may be different for each supplier. Before you decide to rent the car and you are a young driver, please make sure that you are able to rent your car with selected company. Otherwise, the local company will refuse to provide the car.
Do you provide child seats?
Child seats are normally on request by the local agent. Please, be advised that each rental car agency may require a different fee for the child seat. You can find the price for the child seat in the terms and conditions of the particular quote. In case of some agencies, you can add the child seat directly at the website when you are completing your booking. If there is no such an option, please put the note that you need one and advise the child age and the weight of your child. As soon as we receive your booking with requested child seat we will ask the local agent to add it to your reservation. The payment for the service is to be paid on arrival at the local office.
How long it takes to unblock the deposit?
There is a security deposit blocked on your credit card meanwhile the rental. It will be unblocked on the safe return of the car. In case of any damages caused during your car rental period, a certain amount can be discounted from your deposit. The amount of blocked security deposit may last up to 20 working days to appear back on your credit card. This process totally depends on the banks involved. If 20 days passed and you still not see the security deposit amount at your account we recommend contacting car rental agency direct.
Can I travel with my pet?
Traveling with your pet is not allowed, unfortunately. This is a general rule for all car rental companies. This regulation is mainly provided in order to make your travel safe and keep our cars as clean as possible. Pets, as we know leave hackles on the upholstering which can be difficult to remove. In many countries, there are special law and safety procedures regarding travel with animals. Special cages or seatbelts that rental car companies do not provide are necessary to transport animals.
What is the fuel policy of the car rental company in Farnborough?
The fuel policy depends on the rental car supplier. They have it written clearly in the terms and conditions shown on our website. There is also a filter option to choose which fuel policy you prefer. The most common fuel policy is FULL TO FULL - you will receive the car with the fuel tank. To avoid fuel charges, you will need to return it with the same amount of fuel as it was given. The missing fuel will be charged on return REPURCHASE FUEL - the car will be supplied with a full tank for which you will be charged at the rental desk. You can use as much fuel as need. No refund will be given on unused fuel. Please, always check the fuel policy before you decide to rent the car.
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